The Covid-19 never stops spreading and with this pandemic looms an economic and social crisis. What about the adaptation of banking policy on the Swiss-French border area for currency loans ? Although their leaders show their continued determination to grant loans, all banks have revised their intervention policy to protect themselves from the risk. From now on, a strict application of the debt guidelines and the length of the redemption period is displayed. The refusal rate is increasing.

Changes in the banks’ intervention policy have an impact on young first-time buyers and borrowers with a limited contribution. We are currently seeing in some cases an audit of the balance sheet position of employers as well as an exclusion of some targeted professions.

It is therefore important to require the services of a loan mortgage expert to optimize your chances of success. For this purpose, we are available to welcome you in our offices under regulatory health conditions or schedule a phone meeting. For information, please call upon us with the contact form.